The Nazarite Training is not just any other course; it is a three-phase lifestyle training focused on the expressions of the 3 vows of a Nazarite: Humility, Holiness, and Hunger for God.

It was birthed after years of mobilizing for nationwide and global gatherings, crying out for revival and transformation, only to be faced with the reality that in as much as big gatherings could ignite the fire, it is not enough to sustain it.

We cannot cry out for revival and transformation without being prepared for revival and without becoming the agents of transformation ourselves.


The Nazarite Training is not just any other course; it is a three-phase lifestyle training focused on the expressions of the 3 vows of a Nazarite: Humility, Holiness, and Hunger for God.

It was birthed after years of mobilizing for nationwide and global gatherings, crying out for revival and transformation, only to be faced with the reality that in as much as big gatherings could ignite the fire, it is not enough to sustain it.

We cannot cry out for revival and transformation without being prepared for revival and without becoming the agents of transformation ourselves.


…this is a big step forward in my life

“One part of the training that impacted me the most was the consecration time. As pastor Jerome has said, surrendering our rights to God is easier said than done so this is a big step forward in my life.”

Katharinnah Aspirin
This is preparing the way of the greatest explosion of a Jesus Movement the world has ever seen

Jerome Ocampo has taken the message of the Nazarite and brought it from just an amazing calling to individuals, to a worldwide training movement. I believe this is preparing the way of the greatest explosion of a Jesus Movement the world has ever seen.

Lou Engle Revivalist, Visionary, Cofounder of The Call, Inc., Pasadena, California