Dear revolutionary,

Visionaries and dreamers like you don’t settle for the status quo.

You’re always believing for something better… something greater.

It’s been like this for years, maybe even decades.

And even if the pandemic made it extra difficult the last couple of years…

You NEVER stopped believing.

Believing that God can turn things around no matter how worse a situation gets.

But you’re not immune to the struggles of this new normal.

In fact, you’re learning to accept it. After all, everyone else has done the same thing. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

But deep-down, that cry inside of you won’t let go.

You ignored it at first, but it keeps rising up within, wanting to escape…

Now it’s at a point you can’t ignore it anymore.

So you silence the noise and start listening to that cry again.

You discover the passion is alive and well inside of you. It might look different than it was before, but it’s there nonetheless. That fire for God hasn’t left you. It just needs some rekindling.

But one thing’s for sure, you still believe…

You can’t see it with your eyes yet, but you see it with your heart.

And it’s more than God’s blessing over you.

More than that promotion you’ve been praying for… More than that business deal you’ve been believing for… More than God turning things around for you and your family.

You’re believing for breakthrough. You’re believing for revival.

You’re believing that the nations will turn to God.

A dream only God can fulfill. A prayer only God can answer. A cry only God can satisfy.

Like you, we at JREV have been believing for the last 20 years.

And the cry remains the same.

That’s why we created this online training.

Because we believe in God’s potential for the generations both young and old.

We believe that together, they could be catalysts for the transformation of nations.

Dear revolutionary,

Visionaries and dreamers like you don’t settle for the status quo.

You’re always believing for something better… something greater.

It’s been like this for years, maybe even decades.

And even if the pandemic made it extra difficult the last couple of years…

You NEVER stopped believing.

Believing that God can turn things around no matter how worse a situation gets.

But you’re not immune to the struggles of this new normal.

In fact, you’re learning to accept it. After all, everyone else has done the same thing. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

But deep-down, that cry inside of you won’t let go.

You ignored it at first, but it keeps rising up within, wanting to escape…

Now it’s at a point you can’t ignore it anymore.

So you silence the noise and start listening to that cry again.

You discover the passion is alive and well inside of you. It might look different than it was before, but it’s there nonetheless. That fire for God hasn’t left you. It just needs some rekindling.

But one thing’s for sure, you still believe…

You can’t see it with your eyes yet, but you see it with your heart.

And it’s more than God’s blessing over you.

More than that promotion you’ve been praying for… More than that business deal you’ve been believing for… More than God turning things around for you and your family.

You’re believing for breakthrough. You’re believing for revival.

You’re believing that the nations will turn to God.

A dream only God can fulfill. A prayer only God can answer. A cry only God can satisfy.

Like you, we at JREV have been believing for the last 20 years.

And the cry remains the same.

That’s why we created this online training.

Because we believe in God’s potential for the generations both young and old.

We believe that together, they could be catalysts for the transformation of nations.



Bonus conversation video on the issues of today’s generation

An interactive e-journal to help you process your learnings

Scheduled live group discussions and Q&A sessions via Zoom

A support community in a private Facebook Group

Bonus conversation video on the issues of today’s generation

An interactive e-journal to help you process your learnings

Scheduled live group discussions and Q&A sessions via Zoom

A support community in a private Facebook Group